When I first stepped onto the fields at World's Fair Park, I was a nervous little Freshman. The Ultimate field was muddy as heck due to the recent downpour. I had just been introduced to VFC and was about to meet some of my closest friends in college. Ultimate was super fun, but I took away something much more meaningful. I felt community. I felt love.
Fast forward to January 2011. I am sleeping over at the VFC House because my dorm is not yet open. There is actually snow on the ground. It's mid-morning and the house guys decided to spend some time worshiping. I'll always remember this because of the magic of the moment. In front of me were twelve college guys. Rather than doing what I thought were "normal" college male conversations, they were actually worshiping and praising. I felt community. I felt love.
Community and love are two of the more important aspects of the Christian religion. As a community, each of the group loves and cares out for each other. They reach out to each other, pursue each other and genuinely care how each and every other. There is a mutual love. According to the bible, God has given non-believers the right to, in a way, judge whether a person is a true Christian or not. I was in this role last year. I, a non-believer, was able to judge for myself whether these people were Christian or not. Of course, now I know they were truly Christians. However, when I was looking at these people for the first time, I didn't make a snap judgment. Honestly, I was drawn by the community and love that the group possessed. That drew me and that kept me coming around until the point we are at today.
I love people. Everyone that knows me knows this. However, I love that He love me more and made me so that I can love people like I do.
So it breaks me a little when people post facebook statuses or say things that are simply full of sin. Christian or not, no one like sin. No one wakes up and thinks 'I am gonna sin today.' However, we all are sinning left and right, mostly without realizing it. It just frustrates me, I don't know. I can't control people, nor can I judge what they are doing. I know I need to love, but it's just hard when faced with certain situations people put themselves into. Sigh....oh well.. Rafting tomorrow!!!!
2 Thoughts (I wrote a longer post but accidentally deleted it, so ask me to explain these things if needed)
ReplyDelete1. We don't love people out of some obligation. We love people because we have no right to do otherwise. If you consider what love really is as defined in Scripture - 1 John 4:10 - love is Christ's sacrificial death for sinners like you and me. That's why "love" (as defined in 1 John) "covers a multitude of sins" 1 Peter 4:8, and that's the very reason why we love one another, because Christ does. He loved us!! He loves me, the worst sinner I know, a vile, unworthy wretch!! How can I withhold love from anyone?
2. To love people is often hard, yes I agree. But I don't believe it's hard because of the situations people put themselves into. It's because our sin blinds our eyes to see people as eternal souls created in God's own image! It's because our pride and self-worship blots out our ability to see people as God's people, people whom Jesus died for. The very fact that you, a Christian, are involved in the life of an unbeliever is a display of God's mercy and love towards that individual. Why? Because you have the message of love they need to hear.
Jesus loved those who spit in His face, mocked and rejected Him, and nailed Him to the cross. May we learn to love, not just to imitate Him, not just to perform some duty. Let's love others because Christ Himself loves them.
And how do we grow in love for people? By preaching the Gospel to ourselves. When you realize what you've received in light of what you deserve, it causes you to love everyone you see. That's what understanding God's love does.
Wow, thanks! This is all oh so true! I am still struggling with my fear of man, so it'll take me a little bit to gain courage from Him regarding this. Thanks again! Who are you? And what else were you going to write?