Thursday, August 18, 2011

Let the Sun Shine In

"I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."-C.S. Lewis

We always have learned that the sun is one of the most important beings in our solar system. It gives us the nutrients, life, etc. that we need in order to survive. It does all these great things...

...but we'd never actually look at it, would we? 

Even with any protection, the sun is just so great and so bright that no one would dare look at it directly. It's just too powerful. 

How, then, do we cherish it so? As Lewis puts it, we believe the sun is present because of the things in which we see the sun's effect on. If it wasn't for the plants, people, buildings and other items that the sun touched, we'd never know it existed at all. 

And on top of it all, there has been many times in class where I've learned how insanely difficult the universe is structured. I don't understand science often, but I understand that if things weren't perfectly done, then we would not have the sun or anything.

Believe it or not, this is a metaphor....get it?

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